
Saturday, June 27

Metamorphosis Monday , Blue Monday and Thrifty Treasures Monday

Please visit Susan at her blog, Between Naps On The Porch, for Metamorphosis Monday! :O)
Please visit Sally at her blog, Smiling Sally, for Blue Monday! :O)
Please visit Rhoda at her blog, Southern Hospitality, for Thrifty Treasures Monday! :O)

These are some before pictures of what the California Santa Ana winds can do to canvas.

And this......
And this!

We took off the torn canvas and waited awhile and tried to decide what the frugal thing to do would be? Buying a new cover would be expensive, so would making one. One Saturday, we were cleaning the garage and I came upon a gigantic collection of Christmas lights. Then I thought of the ending scene in Twilight, where Edward and Bella are slow dancing outside at the prom in this gazebo covered in twinkling lights, I'm pretty sure you know where I'm going with this?

Well it's not exactly set up for dancing, but it is set up for us to enjoy the patio during the up coming warm Summer evenings. Please notice the "custom" ceiling fan, Hehe!
Very twinklie and free using what we already own!
I decorated the table in honor of the 4th of July and added my grandmothers antique chairs.
You don't need much to have fun in your own backyard. I put out a 6 pack of soda for $1.00 from Grocery Outlet and a deck of cards I've had forever and we had a really nice time!


  1. How cute & thrifty! I had to chuckle at the ceiling fan. I'm sure the twinkling lights are pretty though. And oh yeah, I remember Shasta drinks all too well.

  2. It looks beautiful! Those lights look Great! I love me some shasta, used to me one of my favorites unfortunately I can't find it aorund here anymore.

  3. Can I please come hang out on your patio?!? I love what you did with the lights--it turned out fabulous, and anything tied in with Twilight is ok by me! Grandma's chairs are gorgeous too!

  4. I had forgotten about Shasta! I love your thrifty solution of twinkling lights.

  5. Now WHY did I never think of doing a 'custom' ceiling fan like that when I actually had a covered patio? Sheer genius. Actually, if you can paint it black, that would really recede it. Or whatever color would blend with that....great job!

  6. I love your ceiling fan ! It is so unique, LOL ! Love all your red, white and blue !
    So patriotic ! I am working on this too , this week !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  7. That Shasta Diet is my favorite diet coke out there:)

    I love the lights and remember the Santa Ana's well. Not only did they destroy thing in our yard, but they always made my allergies go nuts.

  8. Great finds! Love the lights and I miss my shasta black cherry soda!

    Thanks for sharing!


  9. My husband would love this!! He wants to put twinkle lights in all trees all year round!

  10. Looks like you are ready to celebrate the 4th!

  11. Those winds are nasty! You're all ready to celebrate the big weekend. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  12. How creative and thrifty you are! Happy 4th!

  13. Someone is ready for a patriotic party :-). I loved your pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a wonderful day and enjoy the coming holiday weekend.

  14. Thanks for sharing and Happy Blue Monday to you!

  15. I love your patriotic blue, but I'm very sorry about what that wind did to your canvas. I love blue sky, but I wouldn't want to see it peeping through my awning, either.

    Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  16. Now that's true innovation if ever I've seen it! You get the gold star for thinking completely outside of the box, my dear! Very inspiring!

  17. The Calif Santa Ana winds did the same thing to ours. We took our gazebo down. But I like the twinkle lights idea. Your ceiling fan was too funny. Whatever it takes to keep you cool. My hubby had installed a real ceiling fan in ours.

  18. Love your patriotic decorations! Especially those cute red chairs w/the white table.


  19. Such a great idea with the lights. Twinkle lights at night are just beautiful. That scene at the end of twilight was great inspiration!!

  20. That's so funny with the fan! What a good thrifty idea. Looks like many fun times will be had out there!

  21. That looks so festive! I'm going to hang some light for my July 4th celebration too! Fantastic Mary! Stop by my blog for my 100th post giveaway if you get a chance!
    Have a great week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  22. Howdy
    Oh my you are brilliant .
    this was so awesome !!!!!!!!
    Happy Blue Monday .
    Have a fabulous week.
    Blessings to you and yours as you enjoy your new backyard makeover :)
    Happy Trails

  23. I have all the pieces of a gazebo like that sitting in my garage right now. We bought it last year and had it up for less than a month before some crazy wind picked it up and set half of it down on TOP of my 6 foot fence!!! Yeah, the canvas was a goner. I LOVE what you did with the twinkle lights! I'm going to try to talk my hubby into putting it back up and hitting it with some lights! Beautiful AND ingenious!
