
Saturday, June 20

Mosaic Monday and Blue Monday

The Orange Count Fair is soon approaching, And for the first time ever, my husband and I each entered an event. My husband entered his sports book collection, and I'm entering the tablescaping competition! It's going to be so fun, I can't wait to post some pictures. I don't set up my table until July 7th, but last Friday my husband was required to bring by his collection. Afterword we strolled around the Centinial Farm they have there. It's just like real farm only in miniature. We got a few great gardening ideas and everything looked beautiful. You can click on the mosaic to enlarge. :O)

Please vist Mary at her blog, Little Red House, and check out all the really creative mosaics for Mosaic Monday. :O)

And also please visit Sally at her blog, Smiling Sally, to see all of the blue Monday posts. :O)


  1. Wow. I didn't know there was a tablescaping compitition at the fair...amazing! and Good luck! I hope you win, and your husband too! xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings..

  2. What a lovely mosaic. Good luck in the competition. I was not able to link here from Blue Monday. I had to use google. You might want to do a relink. Have a wonderful day.

  3. How fun that you are entering the competitions at the fair! I can hardly wait to see your tablescape! Is this the O.C. in California or the O.C. in Florida??

  4. Ok nevermind my question above. I just read your profile and see you are in So. Cal....

  5. The mosaics are popular today. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

    BTW: I fixed your link.

  6. Love all the pics in your mosaic. And I think that's neat about the tablescaping competition. Can't wait to see your entry. What fun!

    Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  7. Good luck at the fair and Happy Blue Monday!

  8. Best of luck in the competition, Mary. I'm sure you will do great! this is such a sweet mosaic -- filled with wonderful animals and flowers. The baby goat is so cute! Thanks for sharing your images at Mosaic Monday. :)

  9. I love it! Fairs are such fun! Good luck to you and your husband on your entries.

  10. Good luck in the competition. I liked seeing all the pics from the miniature farm. I sure would like to have one someday. :-)

  11. Wow! There's so much to see! I really enjoyed taking a closer look. It's fun to see fair season start up again.

  12. How marvelous your mosaic is and how delightful you'll be taking part in the OC Fair. I live in OC and enjoy visiting the exhibits each year but I've never competed and probably never will. Good luck to you both. My mosaic is at Sacred Ruminations this week.
    Hugs and blessings,

  13. Nice mosaic and blue. Have a good week.

    Just posted my very first Blue Monday.

  14. Mary, I will e-mail you when I get home from work. I don't have an aol address. I have a google e-mail.

  15. Howdy
    Wow a tablescaping contest .What fun :)
    Good luck to you and your hubby !
    Have a wonderful week.
    Thank you for all the awesome photos today.
    Happy Trails.

  16. Mary, the e-mail address you gave me is not being accepted as valid. I have my e-mail to you ready, but it will not send.

    Please try to e-mail again at

  17. Hi Mary,
    About using Mr. Linky: Once you publish your post, click on the title to bring up the static link -- that is the page with ONLY that post on it. Highlight the url in your browser. Make sure you have highlighted the ENTIRE url. It should end in the letters "html." Click copy. Then paste the url into the appropriate box on Mr. Linky.

    I hope this helps. I think perhaps you may not be copying the entire url address... I'm not sure what else the problem could be. I'm not really all that tech savvy either. lol :)
