
Sunday, July 26

New Boogieboards for Boogieboard Cottage!

Please visit Rhoda @
for more "Today's Thrifty Treasures" Monday posts! :O)

The newest additions to Boogieboard Cottage, found by the curb, FREE! :O)


  1. Nice finds & free too. You can't beat that. Oh, Mary, your link was not working correctly, so I'm just now fixing it. That's probably why no one has been by to see you.

  2. Like the chairs - free is good.

  3. Hello Mary! I'm finally able to access your blog! Yippee! Love your beachy finds. Free is awesome, isn't it?


  4. Hi, Mary, I'm not sure how you're copying your link, but if you click on the title of this post, that is the correct link for the party. I can't get it to paste here again, but it's always the party post link (your blog name with the string of letters/numbers for that post link).

    I think too that you must have typed in your blog url wrong in that last comment, cause when I click on your name (which should go to your blog), it comes up with an error message. I had to go back to the party link yesterday to find your blog. Just be sure you put in the whole url when it asks for blog address. You can copy & paste usually.

  5. Oh, and it actually looked like the right link when you put it in Mr. Linky, but apparently there was something missing & it didn't work. If you right click & copy the whole address & then paste it, that works.

  6. Excellent curbside find! Love that picture up there in your header too!

  7. I love curbside shopping! I always put stuff on my curb I'm finished with it and someone always seems to pick it up. Much better than it ending up in a landfill somewhere! These were great finds!
