
Sunday, January 10

Jr. High/High School Ministry Room At My Church

This is where my boys get to spend their time on Sunday while my husband and I are in the main sanctuary. They have a really great youth pastor and it's a great atmosphere for the kid's to fellowship and get to know one another. They change around the decor in fun, funky ways. I liked how they took these out-dated tv's and small trees someone cut down from their yard, and re-purposed them into a wall display. Very frugal idea.
They take the kid's surfing on the weekends and store the church surfboards on the ceiling. They also have drums and guitars to play. I like the great amount of blue in the room.

Please visit Smiling Sally for more Blue Monday posts.
Please visit Little Red House for more Mosaic Monday posts.


  1. Surfing and Music go hand in hand and what fun for the kids to have all this to bond.

  2. Mary, a good youth pastor is worth every penny he's paid. Happy Blue Monday.

  3. I think that is wonderful for your kids!Great pics,Happy blue Monday !

  4. Mary, When my kids were teenagers they had a similar church room to have youth group. It was a very positive experience for them and they have fond memories. Best part is that they have kept in touch with some of the other kids.

  5. Oh, what fun! Your kids really must love it! Great pictures!
    Happy Blue Monday!
    All the best,

  6. Oh what a fun room! And how wonderful that your boys have that special place to go. thanks so much for sharing, Mary. :)
