
Monday, March 29

Table Top Tuesday

Little, yellow chicks are invading Boogieboard Cottage.
They're hatching out of plastic Easter eggs!
They're tucked in between feet in all shapes and sizes.

They're simply unstoppable.

They're perching on arms and

perching in wreaths,

they're perching all over.

They're too darn cute! They're posing here with some paper bunnies from the 60's,

when plastic Easter eggs and plastic grass were all the rage, along with little yellow chicks of course!

One has even seen fit to nest in the egg tree.
Please visit A Stroll Thru Life for more Table Top Tuesday posts.


  1. Cute yellow chicks! I've seen them and have resisted the urge to buy them . . . perhaps now I should for yours is so cute!

  2. Love all your decorations! The tree looks so cute with the pink grass.

  3. Your little chicks are just the cutest ever. So fun the way you have them peaking out from everywhere. All of your Easter decorations are just lovely. Thanks so much for joining the party. Such fun. BTW, I have a button that say my blog name since I took over the meme from Barb. I would love for you to grab it and use it on your posts. Thanks.

  4. Cute post! Love those cute little chicks!
