
Sunday, March 27

Boogieboard Cottage
Welcome To The 13th 
Masterpiece Monday

                                                    My masterpiece this week are some tissue paper Easter eggs!
Weird but true fact: I've held on to a certain napkin for years, because I liked the seashell pattern printed on it.  I wanted to figure out a way to use it for something.
 The years went by, and every time I ran across it, I felt like a pack rat for keeping it and wondered why I couldn't just throw things away like a normal person!
 Then recently, I had one of those glorious light-bulb-over-the-head moments. I decided to use it to make ocean inspired Easter eggs.

 I used the eggs that I had already painted last year. All I had to do was cut out the shapes and Modpodge them on.  When they were dry, I coated the outside with Modpodge too.
This could not have been any easier and it was free by using stuff I already had.
 I love the seahorses and I'm glad now that I save certain things that I like.

I think I see some more paper napkin crafting in my future!

Masterpiece Monday Linky Guidelines

1. Please link to the specific post, not your blog!
2. Feel free to link up any of your masterpiece's whether they're crafts, recipes, decor, thrifty finds, etc.
3. Please include a brief description in link up.
4. Grab my Masterpiece Monday button on the sidebar and include it in your post or a link to Boogieboard Cottage so people can find you and more great ideas.
5. Please check and make sure your link works. If it doesn't you can delete it and try again.
6. Please no direct links to sales sites, i.e. ETSY or just a plain ol' commercial site, we are looking for your home made masterpieces we can recreate, thanks!

Have fun!


  1. Mary,
    It has been squirrely today hasn't it. Hope all works out! Thanks for hosting.

  2. I am having the same problem. I cannot even edit my blog post inorder to join your linky party. ~~Sherry~~

  3. I hope everything works out with your pictures soon. I know how frustrating that is!

  4. Thanks for hosting the party. This is my first time to link to your Monday link party. I'm a follower now.

  5. Linking up this week!! Sorry that blogger is giving you a hard time- My whole computer is acting crazy- the typing just goes off on its own to a whole other area of the page- weird!

  6. Thanks for hosting. yes, blogger can be very fickle at times!!

  7. I love your eggs. That is why my house looks like it does because I save everything too!!! You never know when an idea might pop up and you regret that you did not save the very thing you need. ~~Sherry~~

  8. Hi. I love your Easter eggs with the napkin images! I tried to link, but it is not working and I cannot figure how to delete the link - 47 and 49, the second try. Can you help? My first time trying to link.

  9. I think your beach themed eggs are so adorable and I just love the beach decor.... since that is where I grew up! This is my first time linking up to your party! Thanks for hosting!

  10. Me linkyed up again this week. ;) beautiful nature shots.

  11. Your easter eggs are amazing and I've been looking EVERYWHERE for someone that had beach-inspired easter decor - found it and must feature on our blog later this week! FABULOUS job!

  12. Mary these shell eggs have me swooning! I found them at Sally Lee by the Sea. She featured you! These are pure genius! LOVE!

  13. Oh, these are fab... too bad I didn't know about it, just published some coastal eggs on Mo. Awesome idea!!!!

  14. These are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Can you tell I REALLY like them?
