
Saturday, April 23

Happy Easter!

Have you seen Soul Surfer?
I wanted to mention this movie I saw a week ago, but my computer was on the blink at the time. It's an amazing true story of Bethany Hamilton and how her strong faith in God took a tragedy in her life and turned it into a victory. This was the best, most inspiring  movie I've seen in a long time. EVERYONE in the theater stayed through ALL of the credits and then applauded! That doesn't happen too often in a movie theater. This would be a really great movie to go see with your friends and family on Easter after services or dinner. I'm definitely buying this movie when it comes out. :O)

I hope you have a very blessed Easter!


  1. Have a wonderful Easter and thank you for the movie tip, I will be getting it soon, sounds great, I love it when they're the inspiring, food for the soul kind of movies.

  2. I hope you and your family have a beautiful Easter Mary! I am anxious to see Soul Surfer. Just need to find some free time.

    Take care, Sue

  3. Happy Easter!

    I haven't seen the movie, but I have followed her story and saw her interviewed recently. She is certainly an inspiration.

  4. Soul Surfer sounds like a wonderful uplifting movie. I am anxious to see it. Happy Easter to you and your family!

    Susan and Bentley

  5. Happy Easter!
    Enjoy your day!

  6. Hope you and your family had a beautiful Easter.
    Thanks for hosting each week. I love your idea of the tray with the various white bulbs blooming in the white containers. I'm going to remember this for next year. Thanks for the inspiration. ~ Sarah
