
Thursday, October 27

My Top Ten Fav Picks From MM#43

This is a banner I made last fall. It was really simple to make. I used acrylic craft paint on cut out triangles of drop cloth material. Once the paint was dry, I folded the triangles over twine and hot glued the edges closed.

This is the backside of the banner. I thought I could spruce this side up for a reversible banner.
I just needed to cover up the orange on the back.
But first, I decided to alter the front......I still had a lot of these chalk board stickers stashed away.
I took the pennants off and spaced them with vintage thread spools and cut to fit chalk board stickers, which I can remove if I want to.
Here is the new reverse side.

All I did was hot glue strips of burlap to cover the orange paint.
Now I can use this banner all year round!

And now for the top ten! If your post was featured this week, feel free too grab a featured button from my side bar.

An Elegant Halloween by Ciao! Newport Beach

Butternut Squash Soup by Hating Martha

Craft Supply Storage by Starfish Cottage

Candy Corn Bark by Homemaker On A Dime

Living Room Art by A Blonde's DIY Life

Pumpkin Spice Meringues by Big Bear's Wife

Magic Pumpkin Seeds by Confessions Of A Plate Addict

Caramel Apples by The Crafty Scientist

Shelf Makeover by The Salvage Collection

Amish Muffins by Lady With The Red Rocker