
Monday, February 6

Almost a day late and a dollar short!

Masterpiece Monday is finally up, that is if anyone out there's still interested after waiting all of this time! I don't blame ya! The whole thing was my silly fault for not renewing my Linky Subscription in January like a normal person would. No, I had to forget all about it until it was too late! The look on this little fella's face is about what mine looked like when I realized it. Anywhoo......the link will be up all week. Take care, Mary :O)


  1. Love that photo! Hey us creative types cannot be expected to remember such mundane things are renewals (that's what I tell myself like when my driver's license, etc. expires). Thanks for hosting the party.

  2. Where are our Admin Assistants when we need them most, huh? Jeez, gotta be incredibly artistic AND remember stuff? That's crazy sauce!

    Love the pic. Hate days like that, haha.


  3. Mary,
    I have joined the Linky recently and I am now following you would you follow back. I am going to return and join in on Master Piece Monday. Thank you for hosting. Pat
