
Sunday, February 12

Welcome To The 59th Masterpiece Monday!

I just wanted to say thank you, for all of your wonderful words of congratulations and prayers for my new daughter. It really meant a lot to me and it was like having a little celebration.

Anyway, since we've always fostered boys, we were waiting all of this time for a boy we thought. No particular reason really, except that the room was decorated in a very "boy cave" looking way, and we were use to having them placed with us.

I was excited that we were being offered a girl for a change! But I knew I had to "unboy cave" the room some (with only a few days notice!)  So here are a few photos I took before she moved in.......

I pulled my own desk and dresser out of my craft room, which was the fastest way to get new furniture for this room!
The carpet used to be in my living room way back when I decorated in red. I kept it rolled up in the garage, I'm glad I hung onto it. The chair is from the living room.
The curtains I bought at BB and B 15 years ago! I bought them hoping for a girl and they've been waiting for her all of this time.
I decorated her room a little beachy, with a pink shell full of chalk so she can write on her dresser.
The first drawer says "welcome" and her name, so I can't show it.
She has her own bathroom and she loves Anthony's bunk bed. I'm pretty sure I'm going to paint it white, even though I'm already backed up on painting projects! But what's one more project?
Anyway, now that she's all moved in, it's full of teenager stuff and looks really girly, yay!

And now for my room. Here's the big pet, not the wrinkled sheets!  I like those. The thing that has been bugging me every single night, is that space between the mattress and headboard!
 My pillows fall down behind the mattress to the floor. I don't dust that area very often, because well, I have 500 million other things to do every day besides dusting that little area!  My pillows get covered in dust and I'm allergic to dust and dust mites and I have asthma.  I get tired of changing and washing pillow cases. But I like having a lot of pillows. So, I've had this idea in my mind for some time now....I was going to buy stuffing and fabric and make a large bolster. Puh, who am I kidding?
  But then I realized when I was trying to turn the "boy cave" into a girly~girl room, that I had all of these extra boy cave looking blankets and not enough room to store them. So I rolled them all up inside my pretty white bedspread....
 Viola! An instant bed bolster for free! And now I have more storage room.
 The blankets make it a nice sturdy barrier with no sewing!
 And it's kitty cat approved.
Why didn't I think of this before? It was so easy,DUH!

Masterpiece Monday Linky Guidelines
Boogieboard Cottage

2. Feel free to link up any of your masterpiece's whether they're crafts, recipes, decor, thrifty finds, etc. (Please no direct links to etsy).

Have Fun!


  1. What a lovely post.

    First off, please give your wonderful foster daughter a warm Blog-filled welcome from me in Ohio! I am so glad you are together. I know you will really enjoy one another and do neat things.

    Second, I love the way you fixed up the bedroom - I know she has to love it. LOVE the neat blackboard painted drawers, what a GREAT idea. And her own bathroom? That's teen girl heaven on earth!!!

    And last, that was a stroke of brilliance making that "free" bolster roll for your bed. May you sleep and live dust free, my friend.

    Great post.

    Have a blessed and happy day.

  2. Love the changes you made to her bedroom especially the dresser. Thanks so much for hosting.


  3. Mary,
    Thanks so much for hosting!
    Congrats on fostering a GIRL!! Being a foster family is an awesome thing and I do understand that at times, it must be so hard to give those children back to their parents. You are greatly admired for what you do!


  4. How nicely you "girl-d" up the bedroom, Mary. The dresser is so fun. I can imagine your girl is gonna love it - and love being in your love-filled house. What a blessing you and your hubby are. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.
    Lynn at Cottage and Creek

  5. Thanks for hosting. Great bolster/storage solution. Great welcome to the family bedroom updo. Welcome to your foster daughter.

  6. Lovely, Mary! She will be so happy there! Looks like Coocoo already loves it! lol Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  7. Hugs to your new daughter. Love the girl version of your bedroom, especially the labels on the chest. Followed you on your Linky. Thanks so much for hosting.
    Blessings, Audrey

  8. What a sweet retreat for a new daughter. I'm sure she is thrilled. the chalk dresser idea is so cute. Hope all goes well! Thanks for hosting this fun party.

  9. I admire you so much! You're giving your love, home and so much more to help a child! Congrats on your daughter! I know she'll love her room! It's gorgeous! Thanks for hosting another great link party!

  10. I'm following on Linky Follower now.

  11. Congratulations on your daughter! I am now following you on Linky Follower. Hope you will follow me too!

  12. Congrats on your new daughter! I know the love will flow!! Thanks for hosting! Linking up a chalkboard DIY!!

  13. Congratulations on your daughter. What a blessing! Love the re-do you have here. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  14. I predict that your new daughter is going to have a wonderful life with you! Congratulations. Great room, too.
