
Sunday, December 21

Linky Party #207

Welcome To the 207th Masterpiece Monday!

Well, we're in the home stretch towards Christmas so I decided to share some of my Christmas décor before it's too late. Better late than never! Gee, I really dropped the ball this year. But mostly, it was deliberate. You see, most years, I run myself ragged decorating the house and creating blog posts of it. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Well, from Thanksgiving time until now I have been "plagued" with a severe 2 week cold, immediately followed by one week of severe allergy/asthma attacks, immediately followed by falling off of a step ladder and really injuring my back. To top it off, someone at work quit the day after Thanksgiving and I been helping my boss out by pulling double shifts.
I didn't realize it at first, but all of this has been one of the biggest blessings I've ever experienced. What? Yes, a blessing!
I like my blog to be a positive place, so I don't usually share about the aches and pains of daily life. Unless there's a positive point to it.

Sometimes, we're in a situation that we don't want to be in. Whether it's illness, financial problem, relationship problem, etc.  It is at those times that it's difficult to see God's plan for us. This Christmas, I was forced to slow down and as a result, I have enjoyed this Christmas more than I have in years.  I always love Christmas, but this year, I've been able to savor it.

I actually allowed my husband to help me more with decorating, instead of hoarding the joy all to myself. And I kept it really simple and didn't go overboard. The result has been relaxing with a cup of hot chocolate while watching our traditional Christmas movies, instead of doing Christmas-time busy work while they're on. I didn't try to accomplish 2 or 3 tasks a one time. I simply sat back and enjoyed Christmas. None of this would have been possible if God hadn't gotten my attention by slowing me down this year. I love decorating for Christmas, but what I really love most is celebrating our Saviors birth. He is the reason for the season.

I found this cute little wooden deer at yard sale last Summer for 25 cents! I love him. I decorated using candy canes, colored lights and the presents I wrapped. The gift wrap, candy canes and lights all came from the 99 cent store.


This Weeks Features

My Thrift Store Addiction

Glittery Nutcracker After 027
Old Things New

Fresh Winter Kale Salad with Radicchio, Pancetta and Pecans

Simply Fresh Dinners

Shabby Love

Our Home Away From Home

snow globe christmas craft
Christianity Cove

Ribbon wrapped cookie jars from the dollar store
Fynes Designs

Don't forget to grab a featured button!
Boogieboard Cottage

1. PLEASE. LINK. BACK. Please include a direct link back to my blog party.
2. Feel free to link up any of your masterpiece's whether they're crafts, recipes, decor, thrifty finds, etc. (Please no direct links to etsy or other sales sites.)
3. Please do not pin from the party, go to the original blog and pin from there

Have a blessed week,



  1. I feel the same way, Mary. I 'm keeping it light and focusing more on the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you so much for hosting. I wish you a happy and blessed holiday season!

  2. Thanks for the wonderful parties this year and have a joyous holiday!

  3. So pretty! We didn't go overboard either, in fact my kids decorated the tree themselves. Thanks for hosting! Merry Christmas!

  4. Thank you Mary for your wisdom shared today. I echo your thoughts and have slowed do to appreciate each day. Happy Christmas decorations too. Thank you for a wonderful year of parties and thank you for no. 207. Always a pleasure to join in.

  5. I love your little wood reindeer, so charming. A great party!

  6. So far this year I have simplified decorating down to setting the table. - Twice. Thank you for hosting throughout the year. It gives me such beautiful hours of enjoyment.

  7. Mary, that little deer is the cutest!!! Thanks so much for continuing to host despite your extra work load. I appreciate your party and the feature! Merry Christmas, Cecilia

  8. Dear Mary - Thank you for another great party and for featuring my glittery nutcracker. You are the best! I must admit I've done quite a bit of decorating this year, especially since we are in a new home in a new state and my kids are coming to see it for the first time. My reasoning? I want them to love it SO much that they all want to move here! Haha! I'm done with the decor now though and thoroughly enjoying having them here with us. God bless you and yours this Christmas and have a blessed New Year!

  9. It's good to here your enjoying this Christmas Season.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.

  10. Dear Mary, Thank you for hosting this party! I am new to your link party and I just love to see how creative everyone's links are. Merry Christmas:)

  11. Very cute, Christmas décor! Merry Christmas to you and family, Mary!...Christine

  12. You have the sweetest decorations for Christmas! Love! Thanks for hosting such a great party!

  13. I'm with you, Mary, it's so important to give thanks and enjoy our families during this time. Like you, I've been forced to re-evalutate this year and I've really cut back on the entertaining and decorating and I've enjoyed it more than ever. Gosh, I hope your back is better now! I love that hubby helped you decorate :)
    You are so sweet to feature my Winter Salad - thank you! Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mary. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your parties each week to make them great!

  14. Hello cute lady! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party! Please come and join us at our party. It starts tonight at 7 pm. We would love to have you!
    Merry Christmas! Lou Lou Girls
