
Saturday, April 25

Add More Greens To Your Daily Diet and Linky Party #225

How do you get kale into your diet the easy way? I don't usually do two food posts
 in a row, but this week I rediscovered making smoothies. I love how good kale is for
 you, but it can be a little chewy and tough in recipes. I'm also a big fan of salads, although I don't always have the time to slice and dice one up, especially if it's only for me. Everyday after work, I work out at the gym, which is easy for me because I work at a gym, so I'm already there anyway! When I get home everyone is still at work or school so I only have to feed myself.  I'm usually very tired and hungry at this point and don't feel like doing a lot of prep work in the kitchen. I've tried making green shakes in the past and didn't much care for them as they tasted like pureed grass.  But I decided to give them another whirl, no pun intended. 

Do you like green shakes? Or maybe the shakes you like aren't green at all or maybe you're not the shake or smoothie type.  If you're a regular smoothie maker, I would be interested in hearing what ingredients you like to use, especially if you use kale. 

I like to buy the already cleaned and cut up kale in a bag. And I cut up a whole pineapple in advance and keep it in the fridge ready to go. I don't have a traditional recipe. But the one I've been making lately is:

1 cup of nonfat milk
2 packets of splenda
1 handful of kale

1 stalk of celery
1 small handful of parsley
Blend some more

1 banana
1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
1 scoop of protein powder
1 cup of plain, low fat Greek yogurt
Blend, blend, blend

Here is a picture of my post workout lunch. It's really delicious and I stay full until dinner.

This Weeks Features

Chicken with Mango Salsa
The Pin Junkie

Novice Decorator

Pretty Shabby UK

Mexican Chopped Salad  008
Old Things New

          Don't forget to grab a featured button!

Boogieboard Cottage

1. PLEASE. LINK. BACK. Please include a direct link back to my blog party.
2. Feel free to link up any of your masterpiece's whether they're crafts, recipes, decor, thrifty finds, etc. (Please no direct links to etsy or other sales sites.)
3. Please do not pin from the party, go to the original blog and pin from there

Have a blessed week,


  1. Thank you Mary for hosting your 225th party. Always look forward to joining in. Your smoothie looks so good.

  2. So many yummy recipes! Thanks for including two of mine! I love the fairy gardens too. I've always wanted to make one!

  3. Fab features, thank you for sharing them! The fairy garden is too cute. Thank you for hosting!

  4. Delicious features! Thanks so much for the great party. Jane

  5. Hi Mary! Thank you again for hosting this week! That smoothie looks really good. My hubby makes one every morning and it has some very strange ingredients, LOL!

  6. Your smoothie is full of goodness, Mary! I am adverse to drinking anything green but your post is timely because I've been thinking I need to add more veggies instead of all fruit to my morning shake. I just might try this if I can get past the green colour because it looks absolutely delicious!
    Thanks so much for featuring my crostini - you are a sweetheart! Have a wonderful week :)

  7. Hello beautiful! We love partying with you! Please come and party with us tonight at 7 pm. We love to pin and tweet your masterpieces! Lou Lou Girls

  8. Hello Mary,

    Unfortunately one of your linky party fans submitted content which is not her own. The fairy suitcase project is mine and I am asking that you please remove the image from here. I have also contacted the blogger at Pretty Shabby UK who used my content without permission. You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Melissa at
