
Friday, May 1

Welcome to Masterpiece Monday!

Boogieboard Cottage

Hello Everyone! This is going to be the last Masterpiece Monday, at least for awhile.  Everything is OK, I have decided to spend more time with my family and with other areas of my life for now.  I have really enjoyed and appreciate all of the posts and comments you all have shared here over the years. Thank you all so much for making Masterpiece Monday Fun! I will still be blogging and sharing my life with you. Please come and visit anytime!
Love and blessings to you, Mary
This Week's Features

Smoked Salmon, Avocado, Lemon and Dill Linguine | Simply Fresh Dinners

diy barn door using sheet siding, The Decoratoraholic

Noting Grace: Master Bedroom Makeover A beautiful transformation from dated 80s to today with a mixture of masculine and feminine decor.

cupcake liner flowers 2

How to Grow Pineapples Poster


  1. Thanks for taking the time to host the party all of this time. I am sad to see you are stopping, but COMPLETELY understand wanting to spend more time with family! It's amazing how much time it takes to keep up with a blog, I imagine a party takes a lot of time as well. I'll definitely still be stopping by to see what you're up to, Mary!

    1. Thank you so much! I love blogging and you're right, sometimes it's hard to squeeze everything in! Maybe I'll host another link party in the future. Thank you for joining my parties and sharing your creative posts with all of us!

  2. Mary you've been wonderful to host Masterpiece Monday. I've loved joining in. Looking forward to you posts, and enjoying adding TIME to your day.

    1. Thank you Joy, You have been loyal to this link party for quite a long time and I really appreciate all of your posts and kind comments. Hopefully now though, I'll be able to tackle some projects I've had on the back burner for awhile!

  3. Thanks for allowing us to show our creativities and for hosting wonderful parties! Enjoy your family and stay in touch!

    1. Thank you Gail, and than you for sharing your posts with us, I love seeing what everyone comes up with every week. I will be posting about the projects I'm tacking with my newly free time.

  4. Oh my, Mary! I'm so surprised to read that this is the last one but I completely understand. It's so important to put family first and we all need a break sometimes. It's funny because I was sitting here wondering how on earth I'm going to get Tuesday Tidbits done for tomorrow and I've decided to skip it this week - thanks for the inspiration, lol! I'm fairly certain the world will continue if I miss one week.
    You, my friend, have been a joy to visit each week and it's been such a pleasure getting to know you. Each Monday I smile at what you bring to us and the people that share with you are so talented! I admire all that you do, especially with your foster children and we can all learn some valuable lessons watching you, Mary.
    Thank you for your generous support and the many features. You are so kind with your comments and time!
    We must keep in touch and we can work together and get the tech issues sorted out. I've got lots to fix on my blog right now!
    Thanks for making Mondays special - I'll be a regular visitor to see what mischief you're up to :)

  5. Thank you Robyn, It has been so nice getting to know you, I appreciate having such a talented cook share all of those beautiful, healthy meals on my little blog every week, what a blessing! You have inspired me to make healthier choices when I cook and thank you for your valuable tech support for someone who is so not technical. I love blogging and I really enjoy my link party. There are things though, around my house that have gotten neglected, the biggest thing being my garage. To look at our home, you would think we've gotten it all under control. But if you saw our garage, you would be shocked. I want to clean it out and turn it into a music room. And my garden is very neglected. I want to turn that into a relaxing Summer hangout. With the surprise of my new daughter being added, I have no idea how to fit everything in. I will share this organizing journey on my blog. The before pictures I will share are going to be embarrassing for sure, but will be well worth it and maybe will help someone else. Thank you so much for making my blog party so much fun every week. I look forward to reading Tuesday tidbits and don't worry if you need to skip it sometimes.

  6. Thank you Robyn, It has been so nice getting to know you, I appreciate having such a talented cook share all of those beautiful, healthy meals on my little blog every week, what a blessing! You have inspired me to make healthier choices when I cook and thank you for your valuable tech support for someone who is so not technical. I love blogging and I really enjoy my link party. There are things though, around my house that have gotten neglected, the biggest thing being my garage. To look at our home, you would think we've gotten it all under control. But if you saw our garage, you would be shocked. I want to clean it out and turn it into a music room. And my garden is very neglected. I want to turn that into a relaxing Summer hangout. With the surprise of my new daughter being added, I have no idea how to fit everything in. I will share this organizing journey on my blog. The before pictures I will share are going to be embarrassing for sure, but will be well worth it and maybe will help someone else. Thank you so much for making my blog party so much fun every week. I look forward to reading Tuesday tidbits and don't worry if you need to skip it sometimes.

  7. Thank you Mary! I love being featured at your site and will be sad to link up each week, but I think it's wonderful that you are focusing on your family. Blessings to you!!

    1. Thank you Jennifer for linking up each week with your creativity! It has been a blessing to have you join in. Please come back and visit, I'll still be blogging!

  8. Your party has been a blessing and I will miss it! Thanks for your time and all the best to your family!

    1. Thank you Cecilia. I will miss it too! thank you for being a part of it and helping to make it fun. I might bring it back again in the future. I will be blogging about what I'll be up to, please come by and visit.

  9. Thanks for featuring my post on growing pineapples. And thanks for hosting an awesome party!

    1. Your welcome, thank you for sharing it and please come back and visit.

  10. Thank you for sharing and hosting, even though I was fairly new to your linky. I also enjoy your posts and will continue to follow along. Have a lovely Mother's Day!
