
Sunday, May 23

Vintage Yardsale Finds

I found this really sweet vintage chandelier last Saturday. The man I purchased it from said he had it displayed in his booth at an antique mall. One thing that really sold me on this was that he said it was already newly rewired.

He plugged it in for me and sure enough, it lights up beautifully. He said to hang on to the candle sleeves because they're original. I'm pretty positive that I'm going to at least cover them up with new sleeves. I added the hanging crystals to it which I already had.

I know it's not for everybody, but I just love the rusty patina on this, the patina even matches my ceiling. I love, love, love it. It was only 20 dollars.

If I tire of the rusty look, this will look great spray painted as well.

Another fun find, was this vintage etched chippy mirror for 2 dollars.

This would be so cute on a dresser or with a table scape.

Linked to:

Vintage Summer Monday at Laurieanna's Vintage Home


  1. What a great chandy at a great price!! LOVE the mirror!! You can't beat 2 bucks for that mirror!!

  2. I want to go thriftin' with you! I am in love with that chandelier! So happy I stopped by!

  3. You did score didn't you girl? Love the chandy! Be blessed. cindy

  4. Whoa! Lucky girl!! I LOVE the chandelier AND the mirror!! Total $22!! Awesome!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. oh my..all of your vintage tresors are quite lovely. that chndelier was a STEAL! I am a follower for sure! :) Happy VSM!

  6. $20?!?!?!?!
    What a blessing!
    I'd have fought ya for it ;)
    Thank you so much for coming by my home and I got your entry for the birdcage which would go so nicely in this room!
    It's so nice, also, to meet a sister in Christ!
    Blessings to you as you make your cottage!

  7. Your chandy is perfect just the way it is. I wouldn't do a thing to it. What a find, it's wonderful.

  8. Beautiful! I love the chandelier!

    Mary Ellen

  9. Your chandelier is just gorgeous! And I love that mirror as well.
    Thank you so much for joining me today for Vintage Summer Monday's, I really appreciate it!
    Have a wonderful week.

  10. You got some beautiful things, I especially like the mirror :)

  11. I certainly would have paid $20.00 for the chandelier! Great find.
    The Tattered Tassel

  12. I your chandy. It's beautiful just like it're right...
    what a wonderful prize..

  13. I absolutely LOVE the chandelier! Great deal!
    And the mirror is a steal at 2 bucks. I would have definitely bought that because I am still needing a mirror for my vanity in my bedroom.

  14. No, no keep the rust! It's beautiful--totally love it.

  15. That is a nice chandelier for $20...if you ever want to get rid of it, let know!

  16. Amazing!! I almost lucked out and got a great chandelier at an auction. A lady got it in a lot (she must be a hoarder as she bid on everything). By the time I got to her to ask if I could buy the chandelier from her she had ripped off all the crystals saying she was going to make them into Christmas decorations. The poor metal was all ripped up. It was such a shame. I would have loved it like you love yours!

  17. Beautiful chandelier - and looks perfect for that spot!

    Last 2 days for a chance to win a lantern from CSN - Stop over to enter ~ patti

  18. This a real Treasure find, I love chandeliers and this one is a great one a keeper for sure. Lucky you. The mirror is very cute also.


  19. its perfect, i love the rust!!!

  20. Love the chandelier...what a deal! I'd leave it just's got a beautiful patina. I'm so jealous.

  21. $20 for that chandelier is a STEAL! Today I just finished a re-do of a new (UGLY) one that I found - I'll post pics soon. Yours is a great combo of chic & character!

  22. OMG..that chandelier is positively fabulous and keep those old candle new ones! LOL...that's just my tiny opinion. Just popped by to let you know you won my Cottage-Give-Away and I can' wait to mail it to you. My email is over on the sidebar of my blog. I look forward to hearing from you with your mailing address. Hope you are having a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. xo Lynn

  23. It is just beautiful and I love the discolored candle sleeves, it's part of the wonderful character. The mirror was a real steal!!

  24. SCORE! Wow you did great. I adore the chandy and it's perfect as is. The sweet mirror is lovely I love the etching on it.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
