Easy~Peasy Fall Candy Corn Pillow Tutorial

I always seem to be a little short on Fall decor, so this year I'm trying to remedy that. I'm not really a great seamstress, but I know that if I can make a slip cover for a huge L shaped couch out of a drop cloth, I can make a Fall pillow out of the scraps.

It was super easy. I went through some felt pieces I already had and cut out a hand drawn pattern out of copy paper. Then I cut the pattern into 3 pieces.
I simply pinned the patterns and traced with a ball point pen.
I selected one large square of drop cloth fabric, that way I only had to sew up 3 sides. (lazy huh?) I pinned the cut out felt pieces where I wanted them.
I used a fabric pen for the saying.
Set my machine to a nice zig zag stitch.....
and first I sewed along the perimeter of the "candy corn".
Then I sewed across to tack down the other edges. I finished by turning the pillow inside out and stitching the 3 edges of the pillow closed leaving a little hole opened at the bottom.
I turned it right side out, stuffed it with plastic grocery sacks (remember to reuse) And I safety pinned it closed. (lazy again)
It's actually comfortable with the plastic sacks in it, huh.... who would have thought?  Although crinkly sounding. This is mostly for decoration purposes, because you can't wash the felt. But it was free to make from the scraps I already had on hand, love that!
Linked to:

Fall Nesting Party at The Inspired Room
Show And Tell Wednesday at Blue Cricket Designs

..: Easy~Peasy Fall Candy Corn Pillow Tutorial

Sunday, September 5

Easy~Peasy Fall Candy Corn Pillow Tutorial

I always seem to be a little short on Fall decor, so this year I'm trying to remedy that. I'm not really a great seamstress, but I know that if I can make a slip cover for a huge L shaped couch out of a drop cloth, I can make a Fall pillow out of the scraps.

It was super easy. I went through some felt pieces I already had and cut out a hand drawn pattern out of copy paper. Then I cut the pattern into 3 pieces.
I simply pinned the patterns and traced with a ball point pen.
I selected one large square of drop cloth fabric, that way I only had to sew up 3 sides. (lazy huh?) I pinned the cut out felt pieces where I wanted them.
I used a fabric pen for the saying.
Set my machine to a nice zig zag stitch.....
and first I sewed along the perimeter of the "candy corn".
Then I sewed across to tack down the other edges. I finished by turning the pillow inside out and stitching the 3 edges of the pillow closed leaving a little hole opened at the bottom.
I turned it right side out, stuffed it with plastic grocery sacks (remember to reuse) And I safety pinned it closed. (lazy again)
It's actually comfortable with the plastic sacks in it, huh.... who would have thought?  Although crinkly sounding. This is mostly for decoration purposes, because you can't wash the felt. But it was free to make from the scraps I already had on hand, love that!
Linked to:

Fall Nesting Party at The Inspired Room
Show And Tell Wednesday at Blue Cricket Designs


At September 5, 2010 at 6:36 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Cute idea!

At September 5, 2010 at 7:31 PM , Blogger KimMalk said...

That is so sweet :). I like that one of the candy corns is tipped over - nice job.

At September 7, 2010 at 6:26 AM , Anonymous Red Head said...

You can't wash felt? I didn't know that!

Such a cute pillow! Love it.

At September 7, 2010 at 8:51 AM , Blogger AUDRA said...

what fun pillows!
I would if you came and linked to Socialize with me Monday til Sunday at Simpsonized Crafts : http://simpsonizedcraftsandthensome.blogspot.com/2010/09/socialize-with-me-monday-til-sunday.html

At September 7, 2010 at 10:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

What a great job! Love them! Thanks for joining us this week!

At September 7, 2010 at 2:55 PM , Blogger Terrell said...

Totally loving these! Something about candy corn just brings a smile to my face! Love it!! You're so crafty! I'm happy to be your newest follower and I'd love to have you as a friend at Frou Frou Decor! I'd also like to invite you to my link party, Fabulous Friday Finds, every Friday! Hope to see you there!!
~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

At September 7, 2010 at 9:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cute idea! I need some more Fall Decor myself!!!

~Lori @ Paisley Passions

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At September 7, 2010 at 9:58 PM , Blogger Joy@Thrifty Parsonage Living said...

Very cute! Visiting from the Inspire Room linky party.

At September 9, 2010 at 10:52 PM , Blogger Kyla Armstrong said...

Sew cute! I love candy corn themed crafts!


At September 16, 2010 at 12:54 PM , Blogger the cape on the corner said...

that's so cute! what a great new pillow.


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