
Wednesday, September 22

A Handmade Fall

 I decided to make a Fall table runner and a couple of more things for Fall. First, I used my woman's prerogative to change my mind and re-did my subway art pumpkin. I painted it white and covered it with the only glue I had, Gorilla wood glue, using a sponge brush.

 While I was at it I covered a round box I had with the glue also. I completely covered both with torn strips of paper. That's it. No top coat or anything over it. I won't insult you with a tutorial, it was too easy to make. I'll show them to you later in this post. Now on to the runner.

 I traced some faux Fall leaves onto some craft foam and cut them out.

 I used my gorilla glue again with some corks to turn the shapes into stamps.

I squeezed out some yellow, orange and red acrylic paint onto some foil.

I swirled my stamp around a bit in the paint to mix the colors and stamped patterns on some drop cloth material.

Viola! A homemade one of a kind runner.

 I like the colors.

 Here's the pumpkin re-do, I added a home made tag to it.
 This box would have been cute stamped with my Fall stamps, but I might  use it later for something else.
 So, I just lightly decorated the top.
 I went through my old time viewer cards and added them with some leaves to a picture holder, easy peasy.
 I sprinkled some loose leaves,
 I really like the way it looks together and it cost me next to nothing.
 I'm on the look out lately for some more of these vintage juice glasses that I like to use as votive holders. I love the color and pattern of this glass. I found this one at a yard sale for 25 cents.
I hope I've inspired you today to see what you might already have around the house and make it into something new! :O)

Linked to:
Weekend Wrap Up Party at Tatertots And Jello
Feature Yourself Friday at Fingerprints on the Fridge
Check Me Out Saturdays at A vision To Remember
Check me out Saturdays


  1. love this. I wish English people decorated for halloween. :(


  2. Awesome!! Love the runner the best. Fantastic idea. Hugs. Tammy

  3. Nice projects!! I like the fabric you used for the runner...very earthy!!


  4. You are SO talented! I just "look" at glue, and it sticks to my fingers!! I do, however, enjoy looking at the pictures of glue on your blog because you always create something awesome with it!

    Take care, Sue

  5. you are so creative and resourceful.

    Thanks for sharing you easy peasy projects with us. Those are the kind I like. :)

  6. Super cute! I love the stamping you did on the runner and the pumpkin and box look so sweet! Perfect for fall. :)
    ~stopping by from Tatertos & Jello~

  7. I found my way here from Tatertots and Jello to see your pumpkin, but I'm loving your table runner. Oh, I love the pumpkin too, the table runner was just a surprise bonus. So much lovely in one post!!
