
Sunday, September 11

Welcome To The 37th Masterpiece Monday

John 16:22
I will see you again and your heart will rejoice 
and your joy no one will take from you.

I remember that morning before going to work, ten years ago.  I walked over to where my husband sat watching the news. I stood there in front of the T.V. set, stunned. At first, I thought Charles was watching something devastating happening in another part of the world. He said, "No, it's New York City. Something really bad has happened". I said "This is the United States?!?". My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing on the screen and my mind couldn't make sense of it at all. 

My thoughts went out to all of those people who lost their lives and the family's and friends of those people who would have to deal with the loss. 
I still think of these people 10 years later. I pray that they can find peace and comfort in the Lord Jesus Christ and to know that there is a Heaven after this world is pasted away from us, where we'll see our loved ones again. 

Until then, I'm glad to see pictures of how well the 9/11 memorial turned out at ground zero. It looks like a lot of love and respect and effort went into the design and it gives everyone an tangible place of remembering. 

The World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan is being rebuilt with new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the 9/11 attacks.

Masterpiece Monday Linky Guidelines
Boogieboard Cottage

2. Feel free to link up any of your masterpiece's whether they're crafts, recipes, decor, thrifty finds, etc. (Please no direct links to etsy).


  1. Thank you for this great tribute to 9-11. Although it's a sad day for all Americans and specially Newyorkers, as me and it's nice to know that thank our Lord and His blessings, has given all Americans strength to go on and rebuild, they could bring down the buildings, but they could not bring down Americans down!!
    God bless the Unites States of America! FABBY

  2. It was a terrible of those where you will always remember where you were. I am proud to be an American and to honor those who died on 9/11. Beautiful tribute!...hugs...Debbie

  3. A day not to be forgotten! Thank You for your tribute.
    Thanks you for hosting MM

    The French Hutch

  4. I appreciate your beautiful tribute. And thank you for hosting MM again!

  5. Thank you for your lovely tribute.
    Also...thanks so much for hosting..Love this meme.
    x bj

  6. Hi Mary,
    Hard to believe it has been 10 years. Certainly a day that will not be forgotten. A beautiful tribute.
    Thanks again for hosting.

  7. It is going to be beautiful, Mary! We have to show those terrorists that they cannot break us. They can only make us better...Christine

  8. A wonderful post, Mary! just linked up, xo Debra

  9. so happy to discover your party, mary. thanks so much for hosting and for your thoughts today.


  10. I love Boogieboard Cottage on Monday's


  11. A day not to be forgotten. Beautiful tribute.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Hi lovely lady.
    I join your party sweet lady. also Im your newest follower on your Blog. I have your link on me Blog now also.
    XXOO Diane

  13. A beautiful tribute to a day that I am sure none of us who have lived through it will ever forget.

    Thank you for hosting. There are so many great posts linked up this week!
